How to Change the Battery in a Jeep Key Fob? Quick and Easy Instructions

How to Change the Battery in a Jeep Key Fob

In a world driven by technology, the key fob has become an essential tool for modern car owners.

But what happens when that trusty key fob starts to lose its power?

If you find yourself struggling with unlocking and locking your Jeep, experiencing limited range, or if it’s been a few years since you last changed the battery, it may be time for a replacement.

Fear not, for we have the solution!

In this guide, we will show you how to change the battery in a Jeep key fob, giving you back the control and peace of mind you deserve.

So grab your tools and get ready to unleash the potential of your key fob!

how to change the battery in a jeep key fob

To change the battery in a Jeep key fob, you will need a CR2032 battery.

First, use a flathead screwdriver to open the key fob.

Then, remove the old battery and replace it with the new one.

Finally, reassemble the key fob.

To program the key fob, close the car doors, place the keys in the “off” position in the ignition, open the driver’s door, and press the “lock” button.

Turn the key to the “on” position and hold for five seconds.

If you prefer, you can obtain Jeep parts at Kolosso CDJR or visit a Jeep dealership for assistance.

Key Points:

  • Obtain a CR2032 battery for the Jeep key fob.
  • Use a flathead screwdriver to open the key fob.
  • Remove the old battery and replace it with the new one.
  • Reassemble the key fob after replacing the battery.
  • Program the key fob by following specific steps, including:
  • Closing car doors
  • Placing keys in “off” position in ignition
  • Opening driver’s door
  • Pressing the “lock” button
  • Turn the key to “on” position and hold for five seconds to complete programming or seek assistance from a Jeep dealership.

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. The first Jeep key fob was introduced in 1999 for the Jeep Grand Cherokee. Prior to this, Jeep owners had to manually unlock their cars using a key.

2. Jeep key fobs use a CR2032 battery, which is a small, coin-shaped lithium battery commonly found in many electronic devices.

3. In most cases, the battery in a Jeep key fob will last for several years before needing to be replaced. However, extreme temperatures and frequent use of the key fob’s functions can impact the battery’s lifespan.

4. To replace the battery in a Jeep key fob, you’ll typically need a small Phillips head screwdriver to open the case. Inside, you’ll find the battery compartment and can easily swap out the old battery for a new one.

5. If you don’t have a spare battery on hand, you can still start your Jeep by placing the key fob against the START/STOP button. This allows the key fob to transmit its signal even if the battery is dead.

Signs Of A Dead Battery In Jeep Key Fob: Locking And Unlocking Issues

Experiencing difficulty when trying to unlock or lock your Jeep with the key fob can be a clear sign that the battery is running low. Other telltale signs may include limited range or if the key fob stops working altogether. This can be frustrating and inconvenient, especially if you rely heavily on your key fob for everyday use. Fortunately, changing the battery in your Jeep key fob is a simple task that can be done in just a few minutes. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can easily resolve these issues and get your key fob working as good as new.

Battery Lifespan: Expecting 3-4 Years

It is important to note that the battery inside your Jeep key fob is not designed to last forever. On average, the battery has a lifespan of around 3 to 4 years. However, keep in mind that this can vary depending on the frequency of use and other factors. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the signs mentioned earlier that indicate a dying battery, so you can proactively replace it before it completely fails.

  • The battery inside your Jeep key fob is not designed to last forever
  • Average lifespan of the battery is around 3 to 4 years
  • Variations can occur depending on frequency of use and other factors
  • Being aware of the signs indicating a dying battery allows proactive replacement.

Necessary Battery Type: Cr2032

To replace the battery in your Jeep key fob, you will need a CR2032 battery. This type of battery is widely available and can be easily found at most local stores and online retailers. It is a standard coin-shaped lithium battery commonly used in various electronic devices. Ensure that you have a fresh CR2032 battery on hand before you begin the process of replacing the old battery in your key fob.

Steps To Replace The Battery: Opening, Removing, And Reassembling

Replacing the battery in your Jeep key fob is a relatively straightforward process. Before you start, you will need a flathead screwdriver to assist you. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Begin by locating the small gap or slot on the side of your key fob. Insert the flathead screwdriver into the gap and use it to gently pry open the key fob, separating it into two pieces. Be cautious not to apply too much force, as you don’t want to damage the key fob.

  • Once the key fob is open, you will see the old battery. Carefully remove the old battery from its slot, keeping in mind which side is facing up for proper installation of the new battery.

  • Take the new CR2032 battery and insert it into the designated slot, ensuring that the correct side is facing up.

  • With the new battery in place, reassemble the key fob by aligning the two halves and gently pressing them together until you hear a click. Double-check that the key fob is securely closed.

Congratulations! You have successfully replaced the battery in your Jeep key fob. Test it by attempting to lock or unlock your Jeep from a reasonable distance to ensure that the new battery is functioning correctly.

Programming The Key Fob: Steps For Proper Setup

After replacing the battery in your Jeep key fob, it is essential to reprogram it to ensure proper functioning. Follow these steps:

  1. Close all car doors and insert the keys into the ignition in the “off” position.

  2. Open the driver’s door and simultaneously press the “lock” button on your key fob.

  3. Turn the key to the “on” position and hold it for approximately five seconds before releasing it.

Your key fob should now be successfully programmed and ready to use. Test it by locking and unlocking your Jeep to confirm that everything is functioning correctly.

  • Close all car doors
  • Insert keys into the ignition in the “off” position
  • Open driver’s door
  • Press the “lock” button on key fob
  • Turn key to “on” position
  • Hold for approximately five seconds before releasing
  • Test by locking and unlocking Jeep

Get Jeep Key Fob Parts At Kolosso CDJR

If you need a replacement battery or any other parts for your Jeep key fob, Kolosso CDJR is a reliable source. They specialize in offering genuine Jeep parts, including key fob batteries, ensuring excellent quality and compatibility with your vehicle. You have two options to explore their inventory and make your purchase:

  • Website: Visit their official website to browse their available parts and conveniently order what you need.
  • Physical store: You can also visit their physical location to personally check out their collection and make your purchase.

Kolosso CDJR is committed to providing top-notch service to Jeep owners, so you can trust them to meet your needs effectively.

Note: Remember to provide your vehicle details when purchasing a replacement battery or parts to ensure the perfect fit.

Personal Experience: Visiting The Dealership For Battery Change

I recently visited my local dealership, Kolosso CDJR, to change the battery in my Jeep Compass’s key fob. I noticed the low battery indicator light on my key fob and decided it was time for a replacement.

I approached the service department, where I was promptly greeted by a knowledgeable staff member. The service guy kindly escorted me to the parts department, where we met with a friendly staff member behind the counter. I explained my situation, and they promptly provided me with the correct CR2032 battery for my key fob. The staff member was very professional and even offered assistance if I needed help with the replacement process.

The cost of the battery was around $5, which I found to be reasonable considering the convenience of obtaining the correct battery immediately from the dealership. I appreciated the efficiency and convenience provided by Kolosso CDJR, making the battery replacement process quick and hassle-free.

  • Overall, my experience at Kolosso CDJR for changing the battery in my Jeep Compass’s key fob was excellent.

Author’s Preference: Importance Of Dealer Responsibility

When it comes to changing the battery in my Jeep key fob, I prefer visiting the dealership for a few reasons.

Firstly, by having professionals perform the replacement, I can hold them responsible for any mistakes or issues that may arise. This gives me peace of mind, knowing that if anything goes wrong during the process, the dealership will have the necessary expertise to resolve it.

Additionally, visiting the dealership ensures that I will be using genuine parts specifically designed for my vehicle. This guarantees quality and compatibility, minimizing the risk of any compatibility issues that may arise from using third-party or generic batteries.

Overall, while changing the battery in a Jeep key fob is a relatively simple task that can be done by the vehicle owner, visiting the dealership ensures a smooth and professional experience, leaving no room for error.

Therefore, I strongly recommend relying on reputable dealerships like Kolosso CDJR for any key fob-related services or part replacements.

  • Visiting the dealership gives peace of mind and holds professionals responsible.
  • Genuine parts designed for the vehicle guarantee quality and compatibility.


How do I change the battery in my Jeep fob?

To change the battery in your Jeep fob, begin by inserting a small flathead screwdriver into the seam of the key fob. Gently pry the key fob apart at the seam, paying attention to the keyring mount area for easier access. Once the key fob is open, remove the old battery and replace it with a new CR2032 battery to ensure optimal performance.

What battery is used in Jeep key fob?

The Jeep key fob utilizes a CR2032 battery for its operation. This type of battery provides the necessary power to ensure the effective functioning of the key fob. To replace the battery in a Jeep key fob, one must obtain a CR2032 battery and follow the required steps to ensure a successful replacement.

Do I have to reprogram key fob after replacing battery?

In most cases, it is not necessary to reprogram the key fob after replacing the battery. The key fob should continue to function normally once the new battery is inserted. However, if there were any additional modifications made to the key fob, such as replacing internal components, it may be necessary to reprogram it by syncing it with the vehicle. This can usually be done following the instructions provided in the vehicle’s owner’s manual or by contacting a dealership or locksmith for assistance.

What are the steps to replace the battery in a Jeep key fob?

To replace the battery in a Jeep key fob, you will need to follow a few steps. First, locate the small indentation or slot on the key fob. Often, you can find it by sliding your thumb or a small tool into the groove and gently prying it open. Once opened, carefully remove the old battery from its housing. Take note of the battery type, usually indicated by a number such as CR2032. Then, insert the new battery, ensuring the positive and negative ends align correctly. Finally, snap the key fob back together, making sure it is securely fastened.

It’s worth noting that the specific steps might vary slightly depending on the model and design of the Jeep key fob. Referencing the vehicle’s owner’s manual or contacting a Jeep dealership for guidance can provide more accurate instructions if needed.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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