How to Clear Oil Change Required Jeep Compass?

Is your Jeep Compass flashing that pesky “oil change required” warning?

Don’t panic!

In just a few simple steps, you can easily clear this message and get back on the road with confidence.

Learn the quick trick to reset the oil change indicator and keep your Jeep running smoothly.

how to clear oil change required jeep compass

To clear the “Oil Change Required” warning on a Jeep Compass, follow these steps: Fully depress the accelerator pedal three times before turning off the vehicle.

A successful reset is indicated when the message disappears at the next startup.

This procedure is specific to smaller Jeeps like the Compass, Renegade, and Cherokee.

Key Points:

  • To clear the “Oil Change Required” warning on a Jeep Compass, depress the accelerator pedal three times before turning off the vehicle.
  • A successful reset is indicated when the message disappears at the next startup.
  • This reset procedure is specific to smaller Jeeps like the Compass, Renegade, and Cherokee.

Check this out:

1. Depress Accelerator Pedal

  • When the “Oil Change Required” warning message displays on your Jeep Compass, it serves as a reminder for necessary maintenance. To resolve this warning, you must follow a precise procedure that includes depressing the accelerator pedal.

2. Procedure For Smaller Jeeps

  • This method is specifically designed for smaller Jeeps like the Compass, Renegade, and Cherokee.
  • These vehicles have a unique reset process compared to larger models in the Jeep lineup.
  • It’s essential to differentiate the procedures based on the Jeep model to ensure successful resetting of the oil change required warning.

3. Fully Depress Pedal Three Times

  • To initiate the reset process, fully depress the accelerator pedal three times.
  • This action sends a signal to the vehicle’s system that you are acknowledging the oil change requirement and taking the necessary steps to address it.
  • Make sure to press the pedal all the way down to ensure the system registers the input correctly.

4. Turn Off Vehicle

After completing the three depressions of the accelerator pedal, it’s crucial to turn off the vehicle. This step is necessary for the system to reset and recognize the actions you’ve taken to clear the oil change required warning.

Remember to follow these steps to effectively reset the oil change required warning:

  • Complete three depressions of the accelerator pedal
  • Turn off the vehicle

5. Successful Reset Indicators

A successful reset is indicated by the disappearance of the “Oil Change Required” message on the vehicle’s display. If the warning message no longer appears at the next startup, it means that you have completed the reset process correctly.

  • To ensure a successful reset:
  • Verify that the “Oil Change Required” message is no longer displayed
  • Restart the vehicle to confirm the reset
  • If the message persists, consult the vehicle manual or a professional mechanic for further assistance.

Remember, a properly executed reset should clear the “Oil Change Required” message from the display.

6. Disappearance Of Warning

When you start the vehicle after following the reset procedure, pay close attention to the display screen. If the * “Oil Change Required” warning no longer shows up, it confirms that you have successfully cleared the notification and reset the system.

  • Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule.
  • Regularly checking fluid levels can help prevent engine damage.
  • Consult the vehicle’s manual for specific reset instructions.

“Pay attention to your vehicle’s maintenance alerts to ensure smooth operation.”

7. Start-Up Verification

  • Each time you start the Jeep Compass, check the display to verify that the oil change required warning remains cleared.
  • Consistent confirmation of the message’s disappearance indicates that the reset was effective and that the maintenance reminder has been addressed.

8. Resetting Oil Change Required

  • Resetting the oil change required warning on a Jeep Compass is a straightforward procedure that does not require any specialized tools or equipment.
  • By following the specific steps recommended for smaller Jeeps like the Compass, you can easily clear the maintenance reminder and update the vehicle’s system accordingly.

9. Specific Procedure For Jeep Compass

  • The specific procedure outlined for resetting the oil change required warning on a Jeep Compass is essential to follow to ensure successful completion.
  • By understanding the unique steps for the Compass model, you can effectively clear the notification and maintain your vehicle’s performance.

10. Eliminating Warning Message

Clearing the oil change required warning on your Jeep Compass is a necessary maintenance task to keep your vehicle running smoothly. By following the detailed procedure for smaller Jeeps and ensuring the successful reset indicators, you can eliminate the warning message and stay on top of your vehicle’s maintenance needs.

Remember, staying proactive with your vehicle’s maintenance is crucial for its longevity and performance.

  • Follow the detailed procedure for smaller Jeeps
  • Ensure successful reset indicators


How do I reset my oil change required message?

To reset your oil change required message, begin by turning the key to the “On” position without starting the engine. Next, fully press the gas pedal three times within ten seconds before turning off your vehicle. Finally, start the vehicle to verify that the oil light has been successfully reset. This simple process will ensure that your oil change required message is cleared, allowing you to drive with peace of mind.

How do you reset the service engine light on a 2018 Jeep Compass?

To reset the service engine light on a 2018 Jeep Compass, start by ensuring the vehicle is turned off and the hood is open. Next, find the battery and specifically locate the negative terminal. Disconnect the negative terminal connector and keep it away from the terminal for around 30 to 60 seconds. Afterwards, reconnect the negative terminal cable and ensure everything is tightened securely. This process should successfully reset the service engine light on your 2018 Jeep Compass.

How do I factory reset my Jeep Compass?

To factory reset your Jeep Compass, start by inserting the key into the ignition and turning it to the “Run” position while keeping the SUV in park. Next, press and hold down the volume button and tuner knob on your infotainment display simultaneously for about 10 to 20 seconds. This will initiate the factory reset process for your Jeep Compass, allowing you to start fresh and clear any existing settings or data stored in the system.

“How can I reset the ‘oil change required’ indicator on a Jeep Compass after performing an oil change?”

To reset the “oil change required” indicator on a Jeep Compass after performing an oil change, start by turning the ignition key to the on position without starting the engine. Then, fully depress the accelerator pedal three times within 10 seconds. Finally, turn off the ignition key to complete the reset process. Alternatively, consult the vehicle’s owner’s manual for specific instructions on resetting the oil change indicator as the process may vary depending on the model year of the Jeep Compass.

💡 Did You Know?

1. The Jeep Compass has a feature that allows you to manually reset the “Oil Change Required” notification by following a sequence of steps.
2. When performing an oil change on a Jeep Compass, using a high-quality synthetic oil can help improve the overall performance and longevity of the engine.
3. The Jeep Compass is designed with an oil life monitoring system that calculates the condition of the oil based on driving habits and engine operating conditions.
4. Regularly changing the oil filter along with the engine oil in a Jeep Compass is crucial to maintaining optimal engine health and performance.
5. Overlooking the “Oil Change Required” notification on a Jeep Compass can lead to decreased fuel efficiency, engine wear, and potentially costly repairs in the future.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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