How to Reset Start Stop on Jeep Compass?

Do you often find yourself frustrated with the start-stop system on your Jeep Compass?

Imagine effortlessly resetting it in a few simple steps, restoring your peace of mind and optimizing performance.

In this guide, we unveil the secrets of mastering the reset process and unlocking a smoother driving experience.

how to reset start stop on jeep compass

To reset the start-stop system on a Jeep Compass, first shift into Park and fully apply the parking brake.

Then, press and hold the Engine Start/Stop button until the engine shuts off.

Finally, press the button again to restart the engine.

This simple process should reset the start-stop system on your Jeep Compass effectively.

Key Points:

  • Shift into Park and apply parking brake
  • Hold Engine Start/Stop button until engine shuts off
  • Press button again to restart engine
  • Process effectively resets start-stop system
  • Ensure vehicle is in a safe and stationary position
  • Follow these steps to reset start-stop on Jeep Compass

Check this out:

Park Shift Process

Resetting the start-stop system on a Jeep Compass begins with ensuring the vehicle is securely parked. To initiate the reset, shift the gear into Park mode. This action is crucial to prevent any unintended vehicle movement during the process and to allow for a safe reset of the start-stop function. Parking the vehicle correctly sets the foundation for a successful reset procedure.

Parking Brake Application

  • Another important step in the start-stop system reset process is fully engaging the parking brake.
  • By applying the parking brake, you add an extra layer of safety and stability to the vehicle.
  • The parking brake helps keep the Jeep Compass stationary during the reset procedure, ensuring the process is completed without any unexpected movement that could potentially compromise safety.

Engine Shutdown Holding

  • Once the Jeep Compass is safely parked and the parking brake is engaged, press and hold the Engine Start/Stop button.
  • Keep the button pressed until the engine shuts off completely.
  • This step is vital in resetting the start-stop system, as it effectively stops the engine and prepares it for a fresh start.
  • Holding the button until the engine powers down ensures a complete reset of the system.

Engine Restarting

After the engine has shut down, press the Engine Start/Stop button again to restart the engine. This action completes the reset process of the start-stop system on the Jeep Compass. By restarting the engine, you confirm that the reset was successful and restore normal operation of the start-stop function in the vehicle. The engine should start smoothly, indicating that the reset was effective.

To reset the start-stop system on a Jeep Compass:

  • After the engine shuts down, press the Engine Start/Stop button to restart.
  • Ensure the engine starts smoothly to verify the reset’s success.

Reset Necessity Indicators

  • Pay attention to signs that indicate the need to reset the start-stop system on your Jeep Compass.
  • If the start-stop function is not engaging as usual or if the system displays error messages, it may be time to reset it.
  • Performing a reset can help rectify any irregularities in the system’s operation and restore functionality.

Self-Test Execution

  • After completing the reset process, it is recommended to perform a self-test to ensure that the start-stop system is functioning properly.
  • This test involves starting and stopping the engine multiple times to verify that the system responds as expected.
  • By conducting a self-test, you can confirm that the reset has been successful and address any remaining issues promptly.

Post-Reset Functionality Check

Following the reset, it is essential to test the functionality of the start-stop system at various stops. Check if the system engages and disengages correctly as you come to a halt and start moving again. Monitoring the system’s performance post-reset allows you to verify that the reset has resolved any issues and that the start-stop function operates smoothly.

Tip: Testing the start-stop system after the reset helps ensure proper functionality and performance.

  • Test the start-stop system at various stops.
  • Check the engagement and disengagement of the system.
  • Verify smooth operation post-reset.

Dealer Consultation

  • If you encounter persistent issues with the start-stop system on your Jeep Compass after performing a reset, it is advisable to consult a certified dealer.
  • Dealerships have the expertise and diagnostic tools to identify underlying problems and provide professional assistance.
  • Seeking guidance from a dealer ensures that any unresolved issues with the start-stop system are addressed effectively.

Intelligent Battery Sensor Reset

In the event of a battery replacement in your Jeep Compass, it is necessary to reset the Intelligent Battery Sensor (IBS) to calibrate it to the new battery. Resetting the IBS ensures accurate monitoring of the battery’s condition and performance, optimizing the start-stop system’s functionality. Following the manufacturer’s guidelines for IBS reset post-battery replacement is crucial to maintaining the system’s efficiency.

  • Resetting the Intelligent Battery Sensor post-battery replacement is vital
  • Following manufacturer guidelines is crucial for system efficiency.

Battery Replacement Protocol

  • When replacing the battery in your Jeep Compass, it is essential to follow the recommended protocol provided by the vehicle manufacturer.
  • Ensure that the new battery meets the specified requirements for your vehicle model.
  • After installing the new battery, reset the Intelligent Battery Sensor to synchronize it with the fresh battery, ensuring seamless operation of the start-stop system.
  • Adhering to the battery replacement protocol helps maintain the optimal performance of the start-stop function in your Jeep Compass.


Why is my automatic start-stop light on in my Jeep Compass?

If the automatic start-stop light is illuminated in your Jeep Compass, it indicates that there is an issue with the system that controls this feature. While you can continue driving your Compass, you will not be able to benefit from the fuel-saving capabilities of the stop/start system. It is recommended to promptly contact your service technician to inspect the system and address the error to ensure proper functionality of the start-stop feature in your vehicle.

What does an A with a circle around it and an exclamation mark mean in a Jeep Compass?

When the A with a circle around it and an exclamation mark appears in a Jeep Compass, it signifies a problem with the Stop/Start system. This warning light alerts the driver that there is an issue that needs attention related to the functionality of the system. It is important to address this warning promptly to ensure the proper operation of the vehicle.

Seeing the A symbol with a circle around it and an exclamation mark can indicate a malfunction in the Stop/Start system of the Jeep Compass. This signal serves as a reminder for the driver to have the system checked and repaired if necessary to maintain the vehicle’s performance. Ignoring this warning could lead to further complications, so it is recommended to address the issue promptly.

What is stop-start reset?

Stop-start reset is a feature in vehicles that enables drivers to manually reset the stop-start system. This function allows drivers to control when the engine shuts down and restarts, giving them flexibility in managing their fuel efficiency and emissions. By utilizing the stop-start reset, drivers can optimize their driving experience and exercise more direct control over the functioning of the engine auto start-stop system.

What does the auto start-stop symbol with exclamation point mean on Jeep?

The auto start-stop symbol with an exclamation point on a Jeep typically signifies a problem with the start-stop system. This warning message alerts the driver that there may be an issue that needs to be addressed. To pinpoint the exact problem, it is recommended to connect a diagnostic scan tool to the vehicle to check for any fault codes that could provide insight into the malfunction.

💡 Did You Know?

1. The start-stop system in modern vehicles, including the Jeep Compass, is designed to save fuel and reduce emissions by automatically shutting off the engine when the vehicle comes to a stop and restarting it when the driver releases the brake pedal.

2. The start-stop feature was first introduced in mass-produced vehicles by the Porsche 928 in the late 1970s as a way to improve fuel efficiency.

3. Some older Jeep Compass models may require a specific sequence of steps to reset the start-stop system. This can usually be done by turning the ignition on, pressing the brake pedal, and holding down the start-stop button for a few seconds.

4. Resetting the start-stop system on a Jeep Compass can also involve accessing the vehicle’s settings menu through the infotainment system and locating the start-stop option to manually reset it.

5. It’s important to regularly reset the start-stop system on your Jeep Compass to ensure optimal performance and efficiency, as occasional glitches or malfunctions in the system can impact the overall driving experience.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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