Jeep Compass Coolant Temp High: Causes, Symptoms, Solutions

As you’re cruising down the road in your Jeep Compass, the last thing you want is for your coolant temperature to skyrocket.

But what if it does?

Stay tuned to uncover the NHTSA’s investigation into high coolant temperatures in 2019-2020 Jeep Compass SUVs – it’s a bumpy ride with a surprising twist.

jeep compass coolant temp high

If you have a Jeep Compass and notice the coolant temperature running high, it’s important to be aware that an investigation was opened in December 2022 for 2019-2020 Jeep Compass SUVs.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) received 15 complaints, with one stating that the Jeep Compass couldn’t be restarted and had to be towed.

Fiat Chrysler responded in March 2023, noting that 173 Jeep Compass vehicles were likely affected out of 229,000.

Despite one crash allegation, no injuries, deaths, or fires were reported.

FCA believes the issue does not pose an unreasonable safety risk, as drivers receive a warning message before experiencing power loss and are instructed to shift into PARK to restart.

The NHTSA closed the investigation due to the low failure rate and the ease of restarting the vehicle after shutdown.

Key Points:

  • Investigation opened in December 2022 for high coolant temperature in 2019-2020 Jeep Compass SUVs
  • NHTSA received 15 complaints, one resulting in the Jeep Compass needing to be towed
  • Fiat Chrysler identified 173 affected Jeep Compass vehicles out of 229,000
  • No injuries, deaths, or fires reported despite one crash allegation
  • FCA states drivers receive a warning message and can restart by shifting into PARK
  • NHTSA closed investigation due to low failure rate and ease of restarting vehicle

Check this out:

Investigation Initiated For Jeep Compass SUVs

In December 2022, an investigation was initiated for 2019-2020 Jeep Compass SUVs due to reports of high coolant temperatures. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) received 15 complaints regarding this issue. One concerning complaint stated that a Jeep Compass couldn’t be restarted and had to be towed, indicating a potentially serious problem.

With safety concerns rising, Fiat Chrysler responded to the investigation in March 2023 identifying that 173 Jeep Compass vehicles were likely affected out of the 229,000 model year 2019-2020 Jeep Compass vehicles on the road. This raised red flags about the reliability and safety of these popular SUVs.

Amidst the investigation, an allegation of a crash was reported, although fortunately, there were no injuries, deaths, or fires associated with the incident. Despite this, the situation demanded a thorough examination and response from both NHTSA and Fiat Chrysler to ensure the safety of Jeep Compass drivers.

  • Investigation initiated for 2019-2020 Jeep Compass SUVs
  • Concerns raised due to high coolant temperatures
  • Fiat Chrysler identified 173 affected vehicles out of 229,000
  • Allegation of crash reported
  • Continuous examination and response crucial for driver safety

“Safety concerns prompt investigation into high coolant temperatures in 2019-2020 Jeep Compass SUVs.”

NHTSA Receives 15 Complaints

  • The NHTSA received a total of 15 complaints regarding high coolant temperatures in Jeep Compass vehicles, raising concerns about potential safety hazards.
  • These complaints highlighted instances where drivers experienced difficulties restarting their vehicles after the temperature warning was displayed, increasing the risk of unexpected failures while driving.
  • One notable complaint reported that a Jeep Compass was unrestartable and had to be towed, indicating a significant operational disruption that required immediate attention.
  • The increasing number of complaints prompted a thorough investigation to determine the root cause of the coolant temperature issue and its implications on vehicle performance and safety.

Jeep Compass Requires Towing

Reported Incidents in Jeep Compass Vehicles: A Critical Concern

Among the reported incidents involving high coolant temperature in Jeep Compass vehicles, one alarming situation emerged where a driver found themselves unable to restart their vehicle. This led to the Jeep Compass requiring towing, signifying a critical system failure that could potentially endanger both the driver and other road users.

The necessity of towing due to the vehicle’s inability to restart highlighted the severity of the issue and raised concerns about the reliability of the Jeep Compass under such circumstances. Such incidents underscored the need for prompt action to address the coolant temperature problem and ensure the safety and functionality of these SUVs.

  • High coolant temperature incidents in Jeep Compass vehicles
  • Driver unable to restart the vehicle
  • Necessity of towing indicating critical system failure and safety concerns
  • Prompt action required to address coolant temperature problem.

FCA Responds To Investigation

In response to the NHTSA investigation regarding high coolant temperatures in Jeep Compass SUVs, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) acknowledged the issue and provided critical information about the potential scope of the problem. By identifying 173 Jeep Compass vehicles as likely affected out of the larger pool of 229,000 model year 2019-2020 vehicles, FCA began taking steps to address the reported concerns.

Despite the seriousness of the issue, FCA stated that no unreasonable safety risk was present for the drivers of affected Jeep Compass SUVs. This response aimed to reassure owners while also acknowledging the need to investigate the root cause of the coolant temperature issue and implement appropriate solutions to mitigate potential risks associated with the problem.

“FCA acknowledged the issue, identified affected vehicles, and reassured owners of no unreasonable safety risk, emphasizing the importance of investigating the root cause and implementing solutions.”

  • Identified 173 out of 229,000 model year 2019-2020 Jeep Compass vehicles as likely affected
  • FCA taking steps to address reported concerns

Scope Of Affected Vehicles Identified

  • Following the response from Fiat Chrysler, the scope of affected vehicles was identified within the model year 2019-2020 Jeep Compass lineup. Out of the significant total number of 229,000 vehicles, 173 Jeep Compass units were flagged as likely experiencing high coolant temperatures, leading to potential operational issues for the drivers.

  • This identification of affected vehicles underscored the importance of addressing the coolant temperature problem promptly to prevent further incidents and ensure the safety and reliability of Jeep Compass SUVs on the road. By pinpointing the scope of the issue, appropriate measures could be taken to rectify the situation and enhance the performance of the affected vehicles.

Crash Allegation Reported

Despite efforts to address the high coolant temperature issue in Jeep Compass vehicles, an allegation of a crash was reported during the investigation. Fortunately, there were no injuries, deaths, or fires associated with the crash, but the incident raised concerns about the potential risks posed by the coolant temperature problem.

The crash allegation served as a reminder of the critical need to resolve the underlying issue to ensure the safety of Jeep Compass drivers and prevent any further accidents or potential harm resulting from operational failures related to high coolant temperatures. This incident highlighted the urgency of finding a solution to mitigate risks and ensure the reliability of the affected vehicles.

Key Takeaways:

  • Efforts to address the high coolant temperature issue ongoing
  • No injuries, deaths, or fires reported in the crash
  • Reminder of the critical need to resolve the underlying issue
  • Urgency to find a solution to ensure safety and reliability of Jeep Compass vehicles

FCA’s Safety Risk Assessment

Following the investigation of the coolant temperature issue in Jeep Compass SUVs, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) conducted a safety risk assessment to evaluate the potential dangers involved. Despite acknowledging the reported incidents, FCA concluded that the issue did not present an unreasonable safety risk to drivers of affected vehicles.

While concerns persisted about the operational implications of high coolant temperatures, FCA’s safety risk assessment aimed to provide assurance to Jeep Compass owners that their vehicles remained safe to drive. By conducting a thorough evaluation and risk assessment, FCA sought to address the reported concerns while maintaining the safety and reliability of the SUVs on the road.

Safety Risk Assessment by FCA:

  • Investigation of coolant temperature issue in Jeep Compass SUVs
  • Concluded issue did not pose unreasonable safety risk
  • Aimed to provide assurance to owners
  • Addressed reported concerns while ensuring safety and reliability.
  • Investigation and Response by FCA
  • Safety Risk Assessment Conducted
  • Assurance to Jeep Compass Owners
  • Thorough Evaluation and Risk Assessment
  • Safety and Reliability Maintenance

Warning Message For Drivers

As part of the response to the high coolant temperature issue in Jeep Compass SUVs, drivers were advised to pay close attention to warning messages alerting them to elevated temperatures. In case of receiving such a warning, drivers were instructed to:

  • Shift the vehicle into PARK
  • Restart it

This warning message served as a crucial safety measure to guide drivers on how to react in case of encountering high coolant temperatures in their Jeep Compass vehicles. By providing clear instructions for handling the situation, drivers could take proactive steps to address the issue promptly and minimize the risks associated with the coolant temperature problem.

  • Pay close attention to warning messages
  • Shift the vehicle into PARK
  • Restart the vehicle

NHTSA Closes Investigation

  • After thorough scrutiny and evaluation of the reported incidents and responses from Fiat Chrysler, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) decided to close the investigation into high coolant temperatures in Jeep Compass vehicles.
  • Despite the concerns raised and the reported incidents, the investigation was concluded due to the low failure rate and the ease of restarting the vehicles after shutdown.
  • The closure of the investigation marked a significant milestone in addressing the high coolant temperature issue, with NHTSA determining that the reported incidents did not pose a substantial safety risk to drivers of the affected vehicles.
  • The decision also reflected the collaborative efforts between NHTSA and Fiat Chrysler to ensure the safety and performance of Jeep Compass SUVs on the road.

Low Failure Rate And Easy Restart

  • The investigation into high coolant temperatures in Jeep Compass SUVs found that the reported failure rate was low.
  • Drivers were able to easily restart their vehicles following an unexpected shutdown, offering reassurance to owners.
  • This highlights the resilience and reliability of the vehicles in the face of operational disruptions.
  • The investigation outcomes underscored the manageable nature of the coolant temperature issue and the effectiveness of the provided solutions in maintaining safety and performance.


What does coolant temperature high mean in a Jeep Compass?

When the coolant temperature in a Jeep Compass is high, it indicates that the engine is operating at a temperature above the normal range. This can potentially result in internal engine issues if not addressed promptly. It is crucial to take immediate action to prevent any further damage to the engine and to avoid potential breakdowns or malfunctions on the road. Regularly monitoring the coolant levels and ensuring proper cooling system maintenance can help prevent overheating incidents in your Jeep Compass. Stay vigilant and address any coolant temperature warnings promptly to keep your vehicle running smoothly.

Why is my coolant temperature high on my Jeep?

If you are experiencing high coolant temperature in your Jeep, it may be a result of low coolant levels or contaminated coolant. Maintaining the proper coolant level and ensuring its quality is essential for your Jeep’s cooling system to function effectively. Another possible culprit for the high temperature could be a faulty thermostat, which can lead to improper temperature regulation in your Jeep’s engine. Regularly checking and addressing these issues can help prevent overheating problems in your vehicle.

Why is my coolant temp high?

High coolant temperatures in your vehicle could be due to a variety of factors within the cooling system that are impeding the proper dissipation of heat. Common culprits include a leak in the cooling system, a malfunctioning radiator fan, a defective water pump, insufficient engine oil, or a faulty thermostat. Any of these issues could disrupt the efficient regulation of the engine’s temperature, leading to overheating. It is essential to address the root cause promptly to prevent more severe damage to your vehicle’s engine and ensure its optimal performance.

Can I drive with high coolant temp?

Driving with a high coolant temperature can significantly harm your engine and increase the risk of a fire. It is crucial to pull over immediately if you notice your temperature gauge rising too high to prevent any further damage to your vehicle. In the words of Ganther, taking prompt action to cool down your car is essential as soon as the temperature gauge shows an increase.

💡 Did You Know?

1. There is a little known feature in the Jeep Compass that can help prevent the coolant temperature from getting too high. By activating the “Eco” mode, the vehicle’s engine management system adjusts performance to help regulate engine temperature during long drives or in stop-and-go traffic.

2. The Jeep Compass is equipped with a coolant temperature sensor that constantly monitors the temperature of the engine coolant. If the sensor detects that the coolant temperature is getting too high, it will trigger a warning light on the dashboard to alert the driver.

3. One interesting fact about the Jeep Compass’s coolant system is that it uses a special type of coolant called OAT (Organic Acid Technology) coolant. This coolant is designed to last longer than traditional coolant types and is formulated to provide better protection against overheating.

4. The Jeep Compass is known for having a reliable cooling system that can handle high temperatures without overheating. This is due to the vehicle’s efficient radiator design, which allows for optimal heat dissipation and helps to keep the engine running at a safe temperature.

5. In extreme conditions, such as off-roading or towing heavy loads, the Jeep Compass is equipped with a cooling fan that can be manually switched on to help regulate the engine temperature. This feature provides an extra layer of protection against coolant temperature spikes during challenging driving situations.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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