What is Lockers on a Jeep and How They Work?

Unlock the secrets of off-roading prowess with the mysterious world of lockers on a Jeep.

Dive into a realm where brands like Yukon Grizzly, ARB Air, Auburn ECTED, and OX hold the key to enhanced traction, offering a thrilling blend of technology and adventure.

Discover the mechanisms that elevate your drive to new heights.

what is lockers on a jeep

Lockers on a Jeep are differential locking systems that provide enhanced traction by locking the axles together, ensuring power is evenly distributed to all wheels.

They are available in various types such as Yukon Grizzly Lockers, ARB Air Lockers, Auburn ECTED Lockers, and OX Lockers.

These lockers can be engaged or disengaged either automatically, through the use of air compressors, electrically, or with a mechanical cable system.

Each type offers distinct benefits, enhancing the Jeep’s off-road capabilities in different ways, such as providing 100% traction on demand or functioning like a Limited Slip Differential when not engaged.

Key Points:

  • Lockers on a Jeep are differential locking systems that improve traction by locking the axles together for even power distribution to all wheels.
  • Various types of lockers are available including Yukon Grizzly, ARB Air, Auburn ECTED, and OX Lockers.
  • These lockers can be engaged or disengaged automatically, electrically, or with a mechanical cable system.
  • Different types of lockers offer unique benefits, enhancing the Jeep’s off-road capabilities in various ways.
  • Lockers can provide 100% traction on demand or function like a Limited Slip Differential when not engaged.
  • Overall, lockers on a Jeep enhance off-road performance by ensuring greater traction and maneuverability in challenging terrain.

Check this out:

1. Yukon Grizzly Lockers: Made In The USA, Reliable Engagement

Yukon Grizzly Lockers are highly regarded in the off-road community for their robust construction and reliable performance. Manufactured in the USA, these lockers are designed to automatically engage and disengage without any external influence, reducing the chances of common locker failures. This self-sufficient operation ensures that the lockers are always ready to provide the traction needed in challenging off-road conditions, giving Jeep owners peace of mind during their adventures. The Yukon Grizzly Lockers are known for their durability and ability to withstand the rigors of demanding terrains, making them a popular choice for serious off-roaders.

  • Robust construction
  • Reliable performance
  • Manufactured in the USA
  • Automatic engagement and disengagement
  • Reduced chances of locker failures
  • Durable
  • Suitable for demanding terrains

2. ARB Air Lockers: On-Demand Traction With Air Compressor

  • ARL Air Lockers provide Jeep owners with 100% traction on demand using a 12-volt air compressor to activate the locking mechanism.
  • Manufactured in Australia, these lockers are designed for tough terrains requiring maximum traction to navigate obstacles effortlessly.
  • ARB Air Lockers are renowned for their reliability and performance, making them a top choice for off-road enthusiasts seeking optimal vehicle capabilities.
  • The convenient engagement and disengagement feature allows Jeep owners to tackle any off-road challenge confidently by providing precise control at the touch of a button.

3. Auburn ECTED Lockers: Electric Activation, Improved Traction

Auburn ECTED Lockers are an innovative electric locker system that allows Jeep owners to externally activate and deactivate the lockers. When turned off, the locker acts as a Limited Slip Differential, enhancing stability and control in everyday driving conditions. Once activated, the Auburn ECTED Lockers switch to a 100% traction solution, offering superb grip in demanding off-road terrains.

The dual-functionality of the Auburn ECTED Lockers makes them a versatile option for Jeep owners seeking to enhance their vehicle’s performance on and off the road.

  • External activation and deactivation of lockers
  • Functions as Limited Slip Differential for stability in everyday driving
  • Transforms into 100% traction solution for maximum grip in off-road environments

4. OX Lockers: Mechanical Or Air Engagement Options

OX Lockers offer Jeep owners the flexibility to choose between a mechanical cable or air engagement to operate the locker based on their preferences.

  • The mechanical system features a special differential cover and a shift fork for precise and reliable locker engagement.
  • The air engagement option provides a convenient alternative, allowing Jeep owners to effortlessly control their locker system.

OX Lockers are specifically crafted to boost the traction capabilities of Jeeps, catering to the needs of off-road enthusiasts looking for a dependable and effective locker solution for their vehicles.


What is the point of lockers?

Lockers serve as secure storage spaces for individuals in public places, offering a convenient solution for storing personal items such as clothing and valuables. Whether for short-term use or long-term rental, lockers provide a sense of privacy and security, allowing individuals to go about their activities without the burden of carrying their belongings. This system not only enhances convenience for users but also helps maintain order and organization in public spaces by reducing clutter and potential safety concerns related to unattended items.

Moreover, lockers promote a sense of trust and reliability within public spaces by offering individuals a designated and secure place to store their personal items. By providing the option to rent a locker for a single use or for an extended period, users can enjoy the flexibility of choosing a storage solution that best suits their needs. This freedom to securely store belongings contributes to a more comfortable and stress-free experience in public settings, ultimately enhancing the overall convenience and satisfaction of individuals utilizing these facilities.

When should I use rear lockers?

You should use rear lockers when tackling challenging terrain with steep inclines, as they will help transfer more weight and traction to the rear wheels. This increased drive to the rear will enable you to climb hills more effectively and reach your destination with greater ease. Deploying the rear locker in such conditions will provide the necessary push and stability to conquer the ascent.

Do I need lockers on my Jeep?

Lockers on your Jeep can be extremely beneficial for off-roading adventures on difficult trails. They provide increased traction and can help you navigate challenging terrain more effectively, giving you a better chance of getting unstuck on your own. Having lockers installed on your Jeep can greatly enhance your off-road experience, especially if you enjoy rock crawling and tackling rough terrain.

How fast can you drive with diff lock on?

When engaging the differential lock on a vehicle, it is important to keep your speed under 25 mph. This feature is designed for off-road or low-traction situations where maintaining control and traction is crucial. Exceeding this speed limit with the differential lock engaged can lead to potential damage to the vehicle’s drivetrain or compromise its stability on challenging terrains.

The differential lock is a valuable tool for adventurers navigating difficult off-road conditions, offering enhanced traction and control at lower speeds. By respecting the recommended speed limit of 25 mph with the differential lock engaged, drivers can safely maneuver through rugged landscapes while minimizing the risk of mechanical issues or loss of control.

💡 Did You Know?

1. The lockers on a Jeep are actually part of the vehicle’s differential system, known as locking differentials. They help to improve off-road traction by locking the wheels on an axle together to ensure that they turn at the same speed, even if one wheel loses traction.

2. Lockers on a Jeep can be manually engaged by the driver to provide extra traction when navigating rough terrain or challenging off-road conditions.

3. While lockers are primarily used in off-road vehicles like Jeeps, they can also be found in some high-performance sports cars to improve traction during aggressive driving.

4. Lockers are often referred to as “diff locks” by off-road enthusiasts and mechanics due to their function of locking the differential, preventing wheelspin and providing improved off-road capabilities.

5. The use of lockers on a Jeep can significantly enhance the vehicle’s off-road performance, allowing it to tackle steep inclines, rocky terrain, and deep mud with greater ease and control.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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