2017 Jeep Renegade Thermostat Replacement: The Best Way to Save Money

When it comes to keeping your car’s engine running smoothly, thermostats may just be the unsung heroes.

And if you’re the proud owner of a 2017 Jeep Renegade, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the importance of thermostat replacement, specifically for your trusty Jeep.

So buckle up and get ready to delve into the fascinating world of engine cooling systems!

2017 jeep renegade thermostat replacement

To replace the thermostat on a 2017 Jeep Renegade, follow these steps:


Locate the thermostat housing: The thermostat housing is usually located on the engine block, near the upper radiator hose.


Drain the coolant: Before removing the thermostat, you need to drain the coolant from the radiator.

Place a container underneath the radiator drain plug and open it to remove the coolant.


Remove the housing: Use a wrench or socket to remove the bolts securing the thermostat housing.

Once loose, carefully remove the housing to expose the thermostat.


Replace the thermostat: Take note of the orientation of the old thermostat before removing it.

Remove the old thermostat and replace it with a new one of the same specifications.


Clean and inspect: Take this opportunity to clean the housing and inspect it for any damage or leaks.

Replace gaskets or seals if necessary.


Reinstall the housing: Put the thermostat housing back in place and tighten the bolts securely.

Make sure the housing is seated properly and aligned with the radiator hose.


Refill the coolant: Close the radiator drain plug and refill the coolant reservoir with a coolant mixture as specified by the manufacturer.


Bleed the cooling system: Start the engine and let it run for a few minutes.

Check for any leaks.

If everything looks fine, allow the engine to cool down and then recheck the coolant level, topping up if necessary.

Remember to consult your vehicle’s specific service manual or seek professional assistance if needed.

Key Points:

  • Locate the thermostat housing near the upper radiator hose on the engine block
  • Drain the coolant from the radiator before removing the thermostat
  • Remove the housing by loosening the bolts securing it
  • Replace the thermostat with a new one, ensuring the same specifications
  • Clean and inspect the housing, replacing gaskets or seals if necessary
  • Reinstall the housing, making sure it is seated properly and aligned with the radiator hose
  • Refill the coolant reservoir with a coolant mixture as specified by the manufacturer and bleed the cooling system

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. Did you know that the thermostat in a 2017 Jeep Renegade is actually an important component for regulating the engine’s temperature? It helps the engine to operate efficiently and prevents it from overheating.
2. When replacing the thermostat in a 2017 Jeep Renegade, it is important to choose the correct one for your specific vehicle model and engine type. Using the wrong thermostat could affect the engine’s performance and may even cause damage.
3. The thermostat replacement process in a 2017 Jeep Renegade involves draining the coolant system and removing various components such as the intake pipe and housing. It’s a fairly complex procedure that requires precision and careful handling.
4. Regularly replacing the thermostat in a 2017 Jeep Renegade as recommended by the manufacturer can help optimize fuel efficiency and overall engine performance. It’s a small maintenance task that can have a big impact on your vehicle’s functionality.
5. If you are unsure about replacing the thermostat in a 2017 Jeep Renegade on your own, it’s always best to consult a professional mechanic who is experienced with Jeep vehicles. They will have the necessary expertise and tools to complete the job safely and efficiently.

Introduction: Understanding The Importance Of The Engine Cooling System Thermostat

The engine cooling system thermostat is a vital component in ensuring the proper operation and longevity of your 2017 Jeep Renegade’s engine. It plays a crucial role in regulating the temperature of the engine coolant, which in turn helps maintain optimal engine performance and overall efficiency.

By opening and closing in response to the coolant temperature, the thermostat ensures that the engine stays within the recommended temperature range, preventing it from overheating or operating at temperatures that are too low.

In this article, we will explore the function of the thermostat in a 2017 Jeep Renegade, how it operates, and why it is important to ensure that it is maintained and replaced when necessary.

  • The engine cooling system thermostat is a vital component in a 2017 Jeep Renegade.
  • It regulates the temperature of the engine coolant.
  • Optimal engine performance and efficiency depend on the thermostat’s proper functioning.
  • The thermostat prevents overheating and operating at temperatures that are too low.
  • It opens and closes in response to the coolant temperature.
  • Proper maintenance and replacement of the thermostat are essential.

“The engine cooling system thermostat is a vital component in ensuring the proper operation and longevity of your 2017 Jeep Renegade’s engine.”

The Function Of The Thermostat In A 2017 Jeep Renegade

The engine cooling system thermostat in a 2017 Jeep Renegade acts as a small valve that controls the flow of coolant through the engine based on its temperature. When the vehicle is first started and the engine coolant is cold, the thermostat remains closed, preventing coolant from flowing through the engine. This helps the engine warm up quickly and efficiently. Once the engine coolant reaches approximately 195 degrees Fahrenheit, the thermostat gradually opens, allowing the coolant to flow through the engine and regulate its temperature.

The Closed Position: Explaining What Happens When The Coolant Is Cold

When the coolant in your 2017 Jeep Renegade is cold, the thermostat remains in the closed position. This means that the valve within the thermostat blocks the flow of coolant from entering the engine. By doing so, the thermostat helps the engine to warm up more rapidly, as it allows the coolant to circulate within the block and heads of the engine.

As the engine warms up, the coolant absorbs the engine’s heat and gradually increases in temperature. Once it reaches the designated threshold, typically around 195 degrees Fahrenheit, the thermostat begins to open, allowing the coolant to flow and maintain a consistent temperature within the engine.

Additionally, in the closed position, the thermostat helps prevent any coolant leaks by creating a seal between the engine and the radiator. This is crucial in preventing any potential damage to the engine, as it ensures that the coolant remains within the cooling system and does not escape.

Reaching The Ideal Temperature: How The Valve Opens At Around 195 Degrees

The thermostat in your 2017 Jeep Renegade is designed to open at a specific temperature, usually around 195 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is considered the ideal operating range for the engine, as it allows for efficient combustion and helps prevent overheating.

When the coolant temperature reaches this threshold, the wax-filled chamber within the thermostat expands. This expansion exerts pressure on the valve, forcing it to gradually open. As the valve opens, the coolant is allowed to flow through the engine, absorbing the heat and maintaining a stable operating temperature.

Once the valve is fully open, the coolant flows freely, circulating through the engine to carry away excessive heat. This continuous circulation ensures that the engine remains at a temperature that promotes efficient combustion, proper lubrication, and optimal performance.

  • It is important to note that if the thermostat fails to open properly or remains stuck in the closed position, it can lead to:
  • overheating
  • decreased fuel efficiency
  • potential engine damage.

Maintaining Optimal Temperature: Understanding The Valve’s Role In Regulating Coolant Temperature

Once the thermostat in your 2017 Jeep Renegade reaches its designated opening temperature, it does not stay fully open at all times. Instead, it continuously adjusts its position to maintain the coolant temperature within the desired range.

As the engine generates heat during operation, the thermostat monitors the coolant temperature and modulates the position of the valve accordingly. If the temperature begins to rise above the desired range, the thermostat will adjust the valve to allow for increased coolant flow, thereby dissipating the excess heat. Conversely, if the temperature drops below the desired range, the thermostat will restrict the flow of coolant, allowing the engine to warm up and reach its optimal operating temperature.

Maintaining a consistent coolant temperature is crucial for the efficient operation and longevity of the engine. A properly functioning thermostat ensures that the engine remains within the recommended temperature range, which helps prevent excessive wear and tear on engine components, reduces the risk of overheating and damage, and promotes better fuel efficiency.

The Upper Limit: Exploring The Maximum Temperature Range Of The Coolant

The thermostat in your 2017 Jeep Renegade is designed to regulate the coolant temperature within a specific range. While the exact temperature range may vary depending on the vehicle and thermostat specifications, it typically falls between 195 to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. This range ensures that the engine operates within optimal conditions without risking overheating or potential damage.

Operating the engine at temperatures above the upper limit can lead to significant problems, including coolant boiling, increased wear and tear on engine components, and potential engine failure. On the other hand, operating the engine at temperatures below the lower limit can result in reduced fuel efficiency, poor combustion, and increased emissions.

It is important to regularly monitor your 2017 Jeep Renegade’s coolant temperature gauge and address any sudden temperature fluctuations or consistent readings outside the recommended range. Issues with the thermostat or other cooling system components should be promptly inspected and resolved to maintain the proper functioning and longevity of your vehicle.

Importance Of Thermostat Replacement: Knowing When And Why It May Need To Be Replaced

The thermostat in your 2017 Jeep Renegade is a crucial component that ensures proper engine operation and longevity. However, over time, it may become worn out or malfunction due to age, extreme temperatures, or debris buildup.

If you notice signs such as a fluctuating temperature gauge, consistent overheating or underheating, poor fuel efficiency, or increased emissions, it is important to have your thermostat inspected by a qualified mechanic. These symptoms indicate a possible need for thermostat replacement.

To replace the thermostat in your 2017 Jeep Renegade, the coolant needs to be drained and refilled, the old thermostat removed, and a new one installed. It is recommended to consult your vehicle’s service manual or seek the assistance of a professional mechanic to ensure this procedure is carried out correctly.

Conclusion: The Significance Of A Properly Functioning Thermostat In Your Jeep Renegade

The engine cooling system thermostat in your 2017 Jeep Renegade is a small but crucial component that plays a significant role in maintaining optimal engine temperature. By opening and closing in response to the coolant temperature, the thermostat ensures that the engine stays within the recommended temperature range for efficient operation and longevity. It helps the engine warm up quickly, opens at around 195 degrees to allow coolant flow, regulates the temperature to maintain optimal combustion and reduces wear on engine components. Regular maintenance and replacement of the thermostat when necessary are vital to ensure the proper functioning of your Jeep Renegade’s engine and to prevent potential overheating or damage.


How much does it cost to replace a thermostat in a 2017 Jeep Renegade?

The cost to replace a thermostat in a 2017 Jeep Renegade can vary, but on average it falls between $494 and $544. This cost includes both labor and parts, with labor estimated to be between $194 and $244, and the thermostat itself priced around $300. It is important to note that this estimate does not account for additional taxes and fees, and can also vary depending on your specific location.

Can I replace the engine thermostat myself?

Yes, absolutely! Replacing the engine thermostat yourself is a straightforward task that can be accomplished in just a few minutes with a couple of basic tools. By following our guide, you will easily be able to remove the faulty thermostat and install a fresh one, ensuring optimal engine performance. Don’t hesitate to take on this DIY project and save yourself time and money by doing it yourself!

What is the code P0128 on a Jeep Renegade?

The code P0128 on a Jeep Renegade indicates a potential issue related to the vehicle’s cooling system. This could be due to various factors such as a cooling fan that is continuously running or a faulty intake air temperature sensor. Another possibility is a malfunctioning or stuck-open thermostat, whether it is electronically controlled or of the traditional type. Diagnosing and addressing these potential causes would be necessary to resolve the P0128 code and ensure optimal performance of the Jeep Renegade’s cooling system.

How much does it cost to fix a Jeep thermostat?

The cost to fix a Jeep thermostat can range from $70 to $520, depending on the specific make and model of the vehicle. This price includes both the parts and the labor required for the repair or replacement. However, it is important to note that the cost may vary based on various factors, such as the availability of the parts and the specific condition of the thermostat.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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