How Much to Charge a Tesla Per Month?

Curious about how much it costs to charge a Tesla per month?

The answer may surprise you.

From battery size to charging habits, a multitude of factors can influence your monthly charging expenses.

Discover how community solar subscriptions can save you money and why a larger battery might be a worthwhile investment in this electrifying exploration.

how much to charge tesla per month

The estimated cost to charge a Tesla per month ranges from $50 to $75, based on driving habits, energy efficiency, and the type of charger used.

Factors such as electricity source, battery size, and charger type all play a role in determining the monthly charging expenses for a Tesla.

Community solar subscribers generally pay less annually for charging their Teslas, while larger battery capacities may incur higher costs per charge but could be more cost-effective per mile.

Level 3 chargers are the most efficient option, with over 90% efficiency, compared to Level 1 or Level 2 chargers, which range from 60-85% efficiency.

Additionally, costs may vary depending on the use of Tesla’s Superchargers.

Key Points:

  • Estimated cost to charge a Tesla per month is $50 to $75, influenced by driving habits and charger type
  • Factors like electricity source, battery size, and charger type contribute to monthly charging expenses
  • Community solar subscribers pay less annually for charging, while larger battery capacities may result in higher costs per charge but be more cost-effective per mile
  • Level 3 chargers are the most efficient option, with over 90% efficiency, compared to Level 1 or Level 2 chargers
  • Costs can vary based on the utilization of Tesla’s Superchargers

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💡 Did You Know?

1. Tesla owners typically spend around $20 to $50 per month on charging their vehicles, depending on their driving habits and local electricity rates.
2. The first Tesla Supercharger station was installed in 2012 in California, allowing for faster charging of Tesla vehicles compared to using a standard home outlet.
3. Tesla offers a referral program where existing owners can earn rewards such as free Supercharging miles or even a chance to win a new Tesla by referring friends or family to purchase a Tesla vehicle.
4. The Tesla Model S was the first electric car to receive the Motor Trend Car of the Year award in 2013, marking a significant milestone for electric vehicles in the automotive industry.
5. The cost of charging a Tesla at home can vary based on factors such as the time of day, with some utility companies offering discounted rates for off-peak charging hours, making it more cost-effective for Tesla owners.

Electricity Source Impact

When it comes to charging a Tesla, the source of electricity used plays a crucial role in determining the monthly cost. The cost of electricity can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, time of day, and energy provider.

  • Using solar energy to charge a Tesla can be more cost-effective in the long run, especially for community solar subscribers who benefit from shared solar installations. By tapping into renewable energy sources, Tesla owners can potentially lower their monthly charging expenses while supporting sustainable practices.

Furthermore, the method of charging, whether at home or through public charging stations, can also impact costs.

  • Home charging is generally more affordable compared to using public charging stations, where prices may fluctuate based on demand and location.

Overall, choosing the right electricity source for charging a Tesla can lead to substantial cost savings over time.

  • Using solar energy
  • Considering home charging
  • Opting for renewable energy sources.

Battery Size Considerations

Another key factor affecting the cost of charging a Tesla is the size of the car’s battery.

  • Larger battery capacities require more electricity to fully charge, resulting in higher costs per charge.
  • It’s essential to consider the cost per mile driven rather than just the charging cost alone.
  • In some cases, vehicles with larger batteries may prove to be more cost-effective in the long run, as they can travel more miles on a single charge compared to smaller battery models.

Tesla owners should evaluate their driving habits and energy consumption to determine the most suitable battery size that aligns with their budget and lifestyle.

Charger Type Efficiency

  • The efficiency of the charger used to power a Tesla significantly impacts the monthly charging costs.
  • Level 3 chargers, also referred to as DC fast chargers, stand out with their over 90% efficiency, offering a rapid and energy-efficient charging process.
  • On the other hand, Level 1 and Level 2 chargers, with efficiencies ranging from 60-85%, may lead to higher electricity consumption and increased costs in the long run.
  • Therefore, Tesla owners are advised to choose Level 3 chargers to maximize charging efficiency and minimize monthly expenses.

Community Solar Savings

Community solar programs offer Tesla owners an opportunity to save on their monthly charging costs. By participating in community solar initiatives, individuals can access solar energy without the need for rooftop panels, making clean energy more accessible and affordable. Community solar subscribers often enjoy discounted electricity rates, which can translate to lower overall charging expenses for their Teslas. Additionally, supporting community solar projects contributes to the growth of renewable energy infrastructure, fostering a more sustainable future for all.

Community solar programs provide Tesla owners with a cost-effective way to access clean energy and support renewable energy initiatives.

  • Save on monthly charging costs
  • Access solar energy without rooftop panels
  • Enjoy discounted electricity rates
  • Support growth of renewable energy infrastructure

Supercharger Cost Variability

Tesla’s Superchargers offer a convenient and fast way to charge Tesla vehicles while on the go. The cost of using Superchargers may vary based on location, time of day, and charging speed selected. In certain areas, Tesla may introduce variable pricing for Superchargers, with rates adjusting according to demand and usage patterns. Tesla owners should remain mindful of these cost variations, as they can greatly affect monthly charging expenses. Planning charging sessions strategically and exploring alternative charging options can assist in managing potential cost fluctuations associated with Superchargers.

  • Convenient and fast charging on the go
  • Cost variability based on location, time, and charging speed
  • Variable pricing with rates tied to demand and usage patterns

Charging Costs Per Mile

  • Calculating charging costs per mile driven is crucial for Tesla owners to understand the true cost of operating their vehicles.
  • By dividing the total monthly charging expenses by the miles driven, individuals can determine the cost efficiency of their Tesla.
  • Monitoring charging costs per mile enables owners to optimize their driving habits, explore energy-saving techniques, and make informed decisions to minimize expenses.
  • Understanding the correlation between charging costs and mileage driven is essential for effective budget management and long-term financial planning.

Level 3 Charger Advantages

  • Level 3 chargers are the preferred choice for Tesla owners due to their high charging efficiency.
  • They can quickly replenish a Tesla’s battery, reducing overall charging time and enhancing convenience.
  • Level 3 chargers are commonly available at public charging stations and Tesla’s Supercharger network, making them easily accessible for on-the-go charging needs.
  • The efficiency and speed of Level 3 chargers not only streamline the charging process but also contribute to lower monthly charging costs, making them a practical option for Tesla drivers looking to optimize their charging experience.

Conservative Monthly Estimate

  • Monthly Cost Estimate: A conservative estimate for charging a Tesla Model car is $50 to $75 per month.
  • Factors Considered: Driving habits, energy efficiency, charging methods, and potential cost-saving measures such as community solar participation are taken into account.
  • Individual Variations: While actual costs may vary depending on individual circumstances, this estimate serves as a benchmark for Tesla owners to anticipate charging expenses.
  • Cost Management: Understanding the factors affecting charging costs and implementing cost-effective charging practices can help Tesla owners efficiently manage their monthly expenses and optimize the advantages of owning an electric vehicle.


How much does it cost to charge a Tesla per month?

Charging a Tesla at home costs around $50 per month on average, given the current electricity rates. This equates to approximately 1,097 miles of travel in a month, assuming the average charging cost of 4.56 cents per mile. As for the time required to charge a Tesla, it typically depends on the specific model and charging equipment being used. On average, using a home charger can take around 8-12 hours for a full charge, allowing you to start each day with a fully fueled electric vehicle.

Is charging a Tesla cheaper than gas?

Charging a Tesla is generally more cost-effective than filling up a gas tank. With an average cost of between $13 and $18 to fully charge a Tesla, the savings can be significant compared to traditional fuel expenses. In many instances, switching to an electric vehicle can result in cutting your fuel costs by half or more, making charging a Tesla a more economical choice.

How much electricity does a Tesla use to charge at home?

Charging a Tesla at home is quite cost-effective, with an average expense of only $0.05/mile. This translates to around $13.96 to fully charge the vehicle, making it a budget-friendly option for daily use. The electricity consumption required for charging a Tesla at home is minimal compared to the overall convenience and savings it offers for owners.

Can I charge my Tesla for free?

While Tesla no longer offers unlimited free Supercharging with new models, the company does occasionally provide complimentary charging promotions as an incentive to boost sales, especially at the end of a quarter. These promotions can enable customers to charge their Tesla vehicles for free during specific periods or under certain conditions. Therefore, if you time your purchase right or take advantage of promotional offers, you may have the opportunity to charge your Tesla for free at certain times. It’s worth keeping an eye out for any upcoming promotions that Tesla may announce to potentially enjoy complimentary charging benefits.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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